Join me on an adventure of self-actualization

Ever feel like this can’t be all there is? Me too.

As a Human Design Manifestor, doing the things I was supposed to do never really resonated. A traditional 9-5 was blah and people-pleasing was a clear path to burnout.

When I stumbled upon Human Design, a whole new world of experimentation and possibility opened up for me. Now, I bring the experiment to you. Follow along, embrace the spirit of play and meet yourself no matter where you are on the path.

My approach


I offer Human Design foundational readings to introduce you to your unique makeup and to give you strategies to work with your design.


After you’ve been introduced to your foundations, you may want to spend some time experimenting and incorporating this information. If you need a touchpoint - someone to walk you through the early stages of shedding your skin - I offer follow-up sessions to better understand aspects of your design and how to work with them.


As a Doctor of Acupuncture and practitioner of other modalities, I have an intimate relationship with the parasympathetic nervous system. Join me for live and on-demand classes designed to ground you into your body and quiet your chattering mind.

If you’re local or visiting the Hudson Valley, visit my wellness center for acupuncture, CranioSacral therapy, sound healing, yoga, and more.

Discover a safe space to be yourself

Human Design contains multitudes - but you don’t have to understand all of the complexities to benefit. Getting acquainted with your design gives you permission to relax and be yourself without worrying about what you should be or what anybody else thinks. Embrace yourself. Love yourself. You are enough.

I can help initiate your healing process to shed those layers, find your focus and become who you were always meant to be.


In-person and remote options

Our office is conveniently located in Peekskill, NY, about 45 minutes from NYC and accessible by commuter rail. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – Human Design offerings including Foundational readings, integration and embodiment classes are all available remotely.

Our services

  • Human Design

    Foundational readings, deconditioning support & live online classes. I love working with all types and have a special affinity for non-sacrals and Splenic authorities.

  • Education

    Can’t make it in person? Explore my content library to find tools you can use at home like acupressure, breath work and gua sha, or dive into the intricacies of Human Design.

  • Acupuncture & Embodiment Practices

    Acupuncture, CranioSacral, yoga… all of these can help you find a home in your body, where you can make the best decisions for your path.